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Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Make your blog as an online store with simplecart (js) + Paypal

If you use Wordpress.org as your application for your blog, you may have ever heard a plug in that can make your blog as an Online Store. Can a blog at blogger.com be made as an Online Store too? Well, there is interesting information for those who use blogger as the application because a developer has created JavaScript that can make your blog as an Online Store, this script named simpleCart(js) + Paypal. With simpleCart(js) + Paypal, you can build your business by using blogger applicatio...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Google Adsense: Ads Custom Font Size

Formerly, Kang Rohman once posted about the new feature from Google Adsense, namely Ads Custom Font. Now there is a new feature again, namely Ads Custom Font Size. With this new feature, you can select the font size of your Adsense, whether you want the default font size, small, medium or larg...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Add a User Online Tracker to Blog

How many people is online at your blog? you know that or don't? If you don't know how many people is online at your blog, you can use a free tracker to know it. That is much site provide this service. Once of them is www.histats.com. If you use them tool, you can know how many people online at your blog, how many people was visited to your blog, and any function. This is once of example : <a href="http://www.histats.com" target="_blank"> <img border="0" alt="web hit counter" src="http://s4.histats.com/stats/0.gif?231629&1"/></a> How to get it? please following the steps : Please visit www.histats.com. If you was on the histats site, click Register at the top tab. Content the form...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Install Onion Emoticons To Post Editor

Hi guys! till remember about install Yahoo Emoticons to post editor likely at this post, How do you feel after do that? feel happy coz you can add this to your post very easy. Or might be you feel boring with them. How if i give you different emoticon like this or also like this Feel interesting to install this emoticon to your post editor? Please read till end. However, please remember this tutorial only work at Fire fox not for Internet Explorer and only at Compose not for Edit HTML. Here is the steps : ...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Make a Post Summary (Read more Function)

Read more... link. Alright.. please don't feel surprise, i will discuss about this now. The function like that called Post Summary. You can make a post summary function with add a little code to your template code. But this code is for new blogger template (beta) and does not work at classic template. Please follow the steps below : Step #1 : Login to blogger with your ID In the dashboard page , click Layout. Then click edit HTML tab. Click the Download full template link. Save your template (very important) Please mark the little box beside Expand Widget Templates. Wait for a moment....

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Get Free Dollars from Co.CC

In the previous post, Kang Rohman posted about Free Domain from Co.CC. In the post, Kang Rohman promised to explain how to set up domain Co.CC for blogger, but before that, Kang Rohman would like to share information about how to get free dollar from Co.Cc. There are two benefits we can get from Co.CC, the first you can get more than one free domain, and the second you can get free dollars by joining the Co.CC referral program. You will be paid $0.1 each time new referral joins through you. The payment can be delivered via Paypal. Will you get the loss by joining this program? Not at all. In Kang Rohman’s opinion, you won’t get the loss,...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer