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Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Remove Good Memory Virus & Get Rid of Good Memory Virus

What is Good Memory Virus?Good Memory is a rogue antivirus program belonging to the same family as that of the of fake computer optimizers and analysis programs with a little modification in it. This anti - spyware, anti-malware program defers in the sense that some of the core files in it are modified a little as compared to the other family members of the same family. Also the name of this application is changed a little to prevent it's detection by the legitimate Antivirus programs already installed in our system. Good Memory Virus spreads to other systems with the help of Trojans. This malicious program gets automatically downloaded and installed into your computer system whenever the Trojan is started without the knowledge and consent of the user of the computer system. It ...

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Remove Disk Helper - Easily Remove Disk Helper From Your Computer

What is Disk Helper? Disk Helper is a rogue anti-spyware program. It means Disk Helper is a fake application which pretends itself as a anti-spyware software. The design and looks of Disk Helper software is exactly same as that of a genuine anti-spyware software. But in reality Disk Helper is just a waste application designed to show you fake security warnings and pop-ups. If you have intentionally or unintentionally installed Disk Helper rogue program, then you should remove it as early as possible. If not Disk Helper will annoy you by showing fake security warning and pop-ups. You will get many security warnings which says "Warning spyware detected on your computer" and it will force you to buy paid version of the fake software to remove the spyware infection. You should not...

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Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Cool Websites and Tools [January]

What Browser? – You may find it hard to believe that an extraordinary number of internet users don’t understand what a browser is and don’t know how to utilize its features. Next time you come across such a person, just direct him to the What Browser? site. It’s a simple website created by Google to help people check the browser they are on and also learn more about i...

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How To Remote Control Linux From Windows

set up a Linux server for various tasks in previous articles. But once it is set up, what is the easiest way to administer that server? Oftentimes it can be tucked away inside a basement or attic, it doesn’t matter where — as long as it has power and network (and is properly cooled). You don’t need a keyboard, monitor mouse or other peripherals; just a power and network cable. So once you’ve got the server set up (and of course you’ve tested it to make sure it can boot back up from a reboot or power failure), how do you remotely connect to i...

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How to Convert to Pdf in an Emergency

How many times you have found yourself stuck at airports, foreign countries, (tropical jungles!) with an urgent need to convert your word documents to pdf. But you have no access to your computer with your trusted Adobe Acrobat. Dont you just wish you could just convert that urgent file to pdf for that important client online just once and no...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Add a Clock to Your Blog

So that your blog see interesting and beautiful, you can add some blog accessories, one of them is by add a Clock. If you interesting to add a clock to your blog, you can get it for free at http://www.clocklink.com site. The example of clock from http://www.clocklink.com is like this : Feel interest to add a clock to your blog? please follow the steps : Step #1...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Add Google talk to blog

Several days ago, a was post how to add Google Talk. now, i will post about this topic again, why? because there are some of bloggers feel google talk at this post is to big for added at sidebar. If you feel previous google talk is out of proportion to added at sidebar, you can use the button of google talk, such as the following button :...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Add Yahoo! Messenger to Blog

Do you know what is Yahoo! messenger? I sure you is surely knew it. Yahoo! messenger is one of yahoo.com service very popular in the world. Then what his relation with blog? some blogger wish to be in his blog attached yahoo ! messenger icon , hence if him online in yahoo! messenger can in knowing by his blog visitor and also can easy to in contacting for chatting. If you ask to me, can yahoo! messenger icon add at blog? the answer is can, and not only that, we can choose icon what is will add. The choice is differentiated in 10 choice, you remain to choose style ID which which is compatible according to your :...

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Top 10 Social Media Communities with Large Reader Base

Today social communities are full of reader base which are more interested in getting the Latest news and updates from these communities and sites. Here users are well populated among the various groups in which they are interested in. These users can search for the latest news and updates which is submitted here, every second, by several website owners and webmasters. Here is a list of Top 10 social Media communities with large reader base where people join and get the news and topics that they are interested ...

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Top 5 Advertising Sites every blogger should know

Advertising sites helps the blogger in earning profits. If you are blogger and want to earn profits you can join some of the good pay per click sites (PPC) which pays you for putting their ads on your blog. You can earn good amount of money through these sites if you get enough traffic to your websites. For all of these sites you can join free of cost and once your website gets approved you can add the codes provided to your site and start earning instantly. Whenever the ads placed on your site are being clicked by anyone who visits your website you will get paid for it. But Do keep in mind that you are not allowed to click on your ads. These advertising sites can ban you for such type of activities. Here are the top 5 advertising sites which every blogger should consider if they want...

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Your Google Adsense Account Disabled – You Still Have An Alternative Solution

No doubt that Google Adsense has been the present leader as far as web-based marketing is concerned. But at the same time Google’s terms and conditions are not really very loose and many web publishers loose their Google AdSense account just because they fail to abide by the strictness....

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Tips to Find Sponsors for your Blog

After reading many inspirational stories about making money through blog, everyone gets motivated and works hard to earn money online. We select Google Adsense, Infolinks and other Affiliate program but no one likes to share revenue with third party, especially when you work hard to drive huge traffic and make your blog successful. Why not to get the sponsors for your blog directly? Sounds tough, it’s not that tough. You just need to work smartly and with proper planning. Here are few tips to follow before you hunt for sponsors for your blo...

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5 Link Building Tips for Top Search Engine Rankings

Link Building is a SEO or search engine optimization process which is one of the most important and at the same time most challenging process for achieving the top search engine rankings. Here are 5 link building tips for you which are very efficient for the search engine rankings. Try to be related Being related or relevancy is a very first part you should consider while link building. Acquiring back links for your site with the related sites and blogs will make the search engines easily aware that you are from the particular category. This way you can be better ranked by the search engines.  Even though Quality links from unrelated...

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Buying Text Links: Will It Help In Your Search Engine Rankings?

Advertising your website is always at the good side. Even purchasing an ad on some other website that links back to your own website is also no wrong. But are buying text link ads will actually help in your search engine rankings? The last word of the blogging game is to bring in more and more targeted traffic. To be very frank search engines have nothing to Do with your advertisement on other’s website. And they are not going to get your website Banned or penalized either. Until a few years back, the meaning of link in the eyes of search engines was only limited to someone who might have found an useful site and want others to know about it too. But today, a link could mean many things, it might be a kind of trade between webmasters, an ad or it can even be vote against some other...

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10 Tips to Become a Great Corporate Blogger

I came across some great words and tips today. Can’t wait to share with you. I felt like these are thumb rules to become a corporate blogger. Authors at Scoutblogging- A backbone venture, shared awesome 10 points to remember when you’re trying to achieve that corporate level respect in blogging. Successful blogging is not just about being the best writer on the web or even the most prolific. Being a successful blogger is about creating a connection with an audience by providing relevant content, nurturing that relationship with comments and links and keeping the dialogue flowin...

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5 Great Tips To Becoming a Better Blogger

We are all bloggers, but we all want to be an exceptional blogger, a better blogger, a remarkable blogger who everyone is talking about, who is making a buzz, whose attention everybody wants. In a nutshell we all want to be a star. Being a better blogger is achievable but it is going to be determined by ourselves.We have to implement some things in our life and on our blogs. Below are some great tips to be a better blogger. PassionPassion is the key to successful blogging. You have to be passionate to be a successful blogger.Your passion will reflect in your work. Your passion will reflect in your writing.Your passion will help you forge ahead despite discouragement and failures.Your passion will help you go the extra mile just to achieve that success. Passion is the building blog...

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Top 10 Blogger Hacks and Tips

Hey MakeUseOf! I thought I would share with you what I have learned about Blogger’s Blogspot blogging platform over the last 8 months or so. I jumped into the new Blogger almost immediately after its beta launch and then I wanted to customize it – You know, make it my own. So I went out looking for how to do it. And here is that wisdom I uncovered. Consider it a gift from me to you. Poor old Blogger gets a bad wrap, namely because people do not know how to manipulate it. I hope this article helps you guys out and if you have any others please let me know in the comments… 1. Removing The Blogger Bar I hated the blogger bar across the...

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Great Blogger Tips and Tricks

KONFIGURASI TIDAK SELALU KODING kon·fi·gu·ra·si n 1 bentuk; wujud (untuk menggambarkan orang atau benda); 2 Geo bentuk horizontal dan vertikal bagian bumi; 3 Kim kedudukan atom yang satu terhadap atom yang lain di molekul. ~ Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia • Basics • Publishing • Formating • Comments • Archiving • Site Feed • Email • OpenID • Pemissions 23 Blogger mempermudah Anda melakukan konfigurasi blog melalui menu setting yang memiliki sembilan sub menu di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu penting bagi Anda untuk mengenal lebih dalam sembilan sub menu ini untuk membantu blog Anda tampil lebih baik. 2.1 Basics Sub menu ini mengatur semua konfigurasi dasar blog Anda, seperti judul blog dan deskripsi...

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Social Networking Software: 12 Ways to Build the Next, Best Social Network

Do you want to be the next YouTube, Flickr, Match.com or Facebook? Then, you need to find the right social networking software. Dating sites, friend networks, video sharing portals are all built on networking platforms that give members control over their personal profile and encourage user-generated content. If you can get it right, Social Networking is the key to the kingdom. You will never have to worry about your next blog post, because users will post and manage their own content. You will be free to focus on the important stuff like marketing, partnerships and monetizatio...

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MySQL Installation Layout on Microsoft Windows

For MySQL 5.1 on Windows, the default installation directory is C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1. Some Windows users prefer to install in C:\mysql, the directory that formerly was used as the default. However, the layout of the subdirectories remains the same. For MySQL 5.1.23 and earlier, all of the files are located within the parent directory, using the structure shown in the following table. ...

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Google Adsense Information, hints, tips and examples

Google's AdSense is a fascinating revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. AdSense allows you to serve text-based Google AdWords on your web site and receive a share of the pay-per-click payment. AdSense ads are similar to the AdWords ads you see on the right-hand side at Google when you do a search there. GOOGLE picks up ADS with its ADSENSE technology to suit your website page content....

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12 Basic Blogging Tips That Really Matter

After taking first step of creating a blog, newbies usually ignore some and sometimes all of these very basics and in turn they face difficulties in getting a good amount of traffic and appreciation. If you want your blog to get more success and yourself to be known as a good blogger then realizing these points at early stages is very crucial.  Let’s take a look at some of those basics. 1. What is Your Blog AboutYou must have heard “First impression is the last impression”. Same goes with the title of any blog. Naming a blog with appropriate name is the VERY first step of all. A good and attractive name is the first impression...

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Submitting to Search Engines / Directories : Checklist

Important things to remember when submitting your sites to search engines Do not spam search engines. They really want to index your site. Believe me. Undoubtedly it takes time to index your site considering the huge number of sites waiting to be indexed and the huge number of sites being submitted to them from their official forms, directories and site submission too...

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Photoshop Tutorial: How to Fake a Holga Photograph

If you don’t already know, the Holga camera is a $15 plastic toy camera, made in China and celebrated by many photographers for it’s blur, vignette, light leaks and low-quality aesthetic. I’ll assume that you don’t want to go through all the hassle of using film, developing it, dealing with negatives and printing and storing and all the rest, so I’ll show you the best way I know how to fake a Holga image...

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Yahoo Next vs Google Labs: New and Cool Projects

Yahoo Next is “a showcase of some of Yahoo!’s newest and coolest projects – the cutting edge of what Yahoo!’s doing today and working on for tomorrow!” Yahoo Next, though not as popular as yet, lists a wide array of projects ranging from the latest Yahoo Mindset Beta – A machine learning technology sorts Yahoo! Search results based on the searcher’s mindset, because sometimes you want to buy stuff, and sometimes you just want to find informatio...

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