Advertising sites helps the blogger in earning profits. If you are blogger and want to earn profits you can join some of the good pay per click sites (PPC) which pays you for putting their ads on your blog. You can earn good amount of money through these sites if you get enough traffic to your websites.
For all of these sites you can join free of cost and once your website gets approved you can add the codes provided to your site and start earning instantly. Whenever the ads placed on your site are being clicked by anyone who visits your website you will get paid for it. But Do keep in mind that you are not allowed to click on your ads. These advertising sites can ban you for such type of activities.
Here are the top 5 advertising sites which every blogger should consider if they want to make fast money from their blogs.
Google Adsense
Adsense is a number one advertising site for publishers who want to monetize their blogs and websites. This site proved very good for the last few years and has helped many of the webmasters in making good money. Other than clicks this also pays you for the impressions that your site creates per banner. Usually they pay as per 1000 impressions of the banners and is called as CPM advertising. They pay you timely at $100 through cheques.Bidvertiser
Bidvertsier is another very good advertising site which is totally a PPC ad network and pays you only for valid clicks. Here you can earn more than Google Adsense if you maintain a good traffic to your blog. One of the most important advantages using this ad network is its payout. Their usual payout is $10 so it is more easy to earn money even who though to the new bloggers. They pay you honestly through paypal.Adbrite
Adbrite is yet another advertising site which worked out for many of the bloggers .Many of the bloggers who found difficult in making profits through Google adsense because of their strict conditions found Adbrite as the best one compared to Google ad sense. This is the site which pays you honestly according to the PPC and CPM methods. They also pays you with the cheque and you can get the cheque even if you have $25 I your account.Chitika
Chitika is a new site and it found to be useful for the blogger who had a huge traffic for their websites through the search engines. They show the ads when a visitor particularly comes to the website through the search engines. By which relative ads are shown to the visitors according to their search and hence there are more chances for the visitor to click on the ads as it is related to their search.Infolinks
Infolinks is an inbound text linking ad network which uses your content to place their ads. The keywords in your content are highlighted and are provided with the various links to other website with this highlighted words so whenever the visitor visits your website and go through the content and when he clicks on the highlighted word it opens him in the new window so whenever the people click on this you can earn your share. In this the minimum payout is $100Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer
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