Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Tips to Find Sponsors for your Blog

After reading many inspirational stories about making money through blog, everyone gets motivated and works hard to earn money online. We select Google Adsense, Infolinks and other Affiliate program but no one likes to share revenue with third party, especially when you work hard to drive huge traffic and make your blog successful. Why not to get the sponsors for your blog directly? Sounds tough, it’s not that tough. You just need to work smartly and with proper planning.
Here are few tips to follow before you hunt for sponsors for your blog:

#1 Be Positive and Keep Patience
You have to keep patience if you are starting to hunt for sponsors; it is not a one day task, you will get quite a bit of ups and downs while searching. It is always advisable that you should start with small retailers and know what kind of traffic they are exactly looking for. You should also research whether your blog satisfy their requirements or not. They might provide you less amount in starting but if your blog keep on giving good results and show confidence to them they will surely give more money. Just be positive and keep patience.
#2 Target Right Advertisers
You should mail for sponsorship for those companies or advertisers who need same traffic which you generate for your blog. Their product should complement your articles and overall blog. For Example, if you have technology related blog then choose software products or computer accessories products or eBooks. This will help increase your sales and thus you can give good response to your sponsors.
#3 Show What you Can Offer to Sponsor
When you approach any sponsor, let them know USP’s of your blog. Make them know how sponsor will be in win-win position after advertising on your blog. Show your traffic details and search engine ranking, give them attractive offers. Try to convince them very positively and never irritate them with constant mails and offline message, give them some time to think and get back to you. Your attitude represent your blog and thus to impress sponsor you have to sell yourself and be polite and professional.
#4 Design of your Blog
Apart from professional presentation, you need to work on your blog presentation. Your logo, favicon, theme and loading time of your blog should be decent and attractive. Funky designs and themes don’t attract sponsors, they generally require some professional theme where visitors like to spend long time and view their advertisement details.
Hope these basic points will help you to get good sponsors .Wish you luck for earning online.

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