Advertising your website is always at the good side. Even purchasing an ad on some other website that links back to your own website is also no wrong. But are buying text link ads will actually help in your search engine rankings?
The last word of the blogging game is to bring in more and more targeted traffic. To be very frank search engines have nothing to Do with your advertisement on other’s website. And they are not going to get your website Banned or penalized either. Until a few years back, the meaning of link in the eyes of search engines was only limited to someone who might have found an useful site and want others to know about it too. But today, a link could mean many things, it might be a kind of trade between webmasters, an ad or it can even be vote against some other site.
Nowadays most of the text link ads and the websites that are selling them have a tendency to leave footmarks behind the code, which can easily be tracked by the search engines. Only a little bit of digging and the search engines will take out all the pages that have them and stop them from passing any link popularity.
However, this is not any kind of penalty. This is how search engines count only the votes and not the ads. If this is the case, your ad will still work, but for direct traffic and shall not provide you with any link popularity.
So, if you are seriously thinking of buying text link ads, you don’t have to worry about all these. The only note you have to make in your mind is that whatever boosts it will do in your rankings might disappear at any moment. It hardly matters whether you are getting real traffic from your ads, or you are just using them to Boost up your SEO promotion.
In short if you entirely depend on buying and selling text link ads to boost your link popularity, it would be a real problem.
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